Thursday, May 7, 2009

25 Random things

I wasn't tagged, as I really don't have any readers yet, but I wanted to open myself up a bit to the people that don't really know me and will 'hopefully' read my blog :)

1. I am a wife and a mother and I love [most] every second of it. Even the hard times.

2. I don't drink alcohol and believe it's the root of every problem Ed and I have.

3. I have thought ever since I was little, that I would do anything to get out of this town, but things keep making me stay, and I'm afraid I'm stuck here forever.

4. I never studied in high school or college and I did pretty well. I'm disappointed in myself b/c I could have done so much better if I had tried.

5. I am SO not a morning person, I would stay up until 5am and sleep all day if I could.

6. When Ed got hurt in the Army, I thought my life was over. It's been 7 months and I still haven't mourned properly.

7. I was horribly depressed when Kayleigh was born. I took precautions when Hayden was born, so that I could enjoy him more.

8. Hayden in almost 11 months and yes, I am still breastfeeding. If people keep looking down on me for it and trying to convince me to stop, I'll nurse until he's 8. Maury Povich, here I come.

9. The majority of my family sucks. Thankfully, it's only brought my mom and I closer.

10. I sometimes wonder that if given the chance, if Kayleigh would live with my mom instead of me.

11. I feel a lot of the time, I don't fit in anywhere.

12. I am incredibly shy, but if something happens that questions my values, I will fight you tooth and nail.

13. I was obsessed with my boyfriend in high school and I feel like I missed out on a lot b/c of it. But if I could do it again, I would NOT go back.

14. I lose track on how often [or least often!] I shower.

15. Kayleigh is growing up entirely too fast. She has a mouth that rivals mine and that scares me half to death.

16. My favorite chore is vacuuming. My least favorite is the rest of them.

17. I am chronically late for everything I do.

18. I'm Catholic. Kayleigh is Catholic and Hayden will be soon, but I question my beliefs and wonder if being Catholic is really for me.

19. I want more kids.

20. I'm 26 years old and just realized what I want to do with my life...I think!

21. I used to pray every night that no one I know would get burglarized or have a fire. Erin's kitchen started on fire in high school, I haven't prayed for that since.

22. I sometimes wonder if I love one of my kids more than the other, but I think I just love them differently.

23. I have only had 2 jobs in my life, besides being a mom.

24. I hated high school.

25. I'm a trekkie and I can't wait to go see the new movie :)

And last one!!

26. I thought of most of these last night in the shower.


  1. Great job Momma! I love it. Keep up the good work!


  2. Looks great, good job!

  3. I totally agree with number 5 :)

  4. Nurse as long as you and Hayden want! Bryce just decided he was done last week at 17 months. He just said decided one day that he didn't want to nurse anymore. Emily nursed for 28 months. Don't let anyone tell you when to stop. That is for you and Hayden to decide! Great job for nursing as long as you have!

  5. Can't wait to read more of your blog.

    I've stared uploading all of my pics for the last 6 months on photobucket so I desperately need to update my blog. I'm gonna add your blog link to my page if you don't mind.

  6. Great blog!! What happened to Ed? Is he ok now?


  7. Great Blog! I will be following you!!! LOL about #14 - I have been there done that!!!

  8. why don't you nurse me?! not fair!
